Chiaki Kuriyama Fandom

Video Clips on Chiaki Kuriyama Fandom

TV Commercials Page 1 - NTT, Nissan, and Bourbon.

TV Commercials Page 2 - Lotte, Takara, and Tomoe.

TV Show Clips Page 1 - Oyayubihime (1999).

TV Show Clips Page 2 - MPD Psycho (2000).

Miscellaneous Clips - Sixth Sayoko, O-daiba, and others. - NEW -

Video Clips from Other Websites

2004 MTV Movie Award Highlight Clips
Click on "Uma Wins Best Fight" to see Uma Thurman and Quentin Tarantino give shoutouts to Chiaki.

Ju-On (v-cinema aka direct-to-video)
Ju-On 2 (v-cinema aka direct-to-video)
Ju-On: The Grudge (theatrical)
Ju-On: The Grudge 2 (theatrical)
For Ju-On and Ju-On 2, the clips are of video commercials since they were never released in theaters. The clip for Ju-On: The Grudge is the trailer. It's simply one of the best horror trailers ever made and now it's fully subtitled too! The clip for Ju-On: The Grudge 2 is the trailer for that film but there are unfortunately no subtitles. Chiaki was only in Ju-On and you can actually see her in the clip at multiple points as well as her name if you can recognize the four Japanese characters.

Kill Bill Vol. 1 Teasers and Trailers
Kill Bill Vol. 1 Film Clips
Kill Bill Vol. 1 Behind-the-Scenes Clip
The website is in French but the clips are in English. The Behind-the-Scenes clip is a must see. Things to watch for in that clip: (1) Tarantino calls Chiaki "Go Go" while instructing Lucy Liu, Julie Dreyfus, and Chiaki Kuriyama. (2) Chiaki looks cool jumping on a table. (3) Tarantino takes Go Go's place and re-enacts the scene where Go Go chokes the Bride.

Kill Bill Vol. 2 Teasers and Trailers
Kill Bill Vol. 2 Film Clips
Kill Bill Vol. 2 Behind-the-Scenes Clip
Chiaki is not in Kill Bill Vol. 2 other than the credits so these clips obviously don't include her but they're still cool for any Kill Bill fan.

9 Kill Bill Interview and Behind-the-Scenes Clips (various formats, various lengths) from Goo.
There's a short Chiaki segment in the long video clip found around the middle of the page. Click on the video clip next to the Chiaki picture and about 3 minutes into the clip, Chiaki will say "Go Go" in her cute Japanese accent. More video clips for Kill Bill Vol. 2.

Over 20 JA Bank TV spots (Quicktime, various lengths) from JA Bank.
Chiaki Kuriyama is the public face of JA Bank and as such, JA Bank has many commercials Chiaki did for them on their website.

Rokubanme no Sayoko Trailer (Quicktime, 2:30 minutes) from A Japanese 6th Sayoko Fan Site
Rokubanme no Sayoko is Chiaki Kuriyama's best work on Japanese television. First aired in 2000, the show about school friendships has a title that roughly translates as "The Sixth Sayoko." Despite the ominous tone of the trailer, this show definitely does not belong in the horror category even though it does have a supernatural element. During its initial run, the Sixth Sayoko was quite popular and earned Chiaki a lot of new fans. Subsequently NHK authored English subtitles and broadcast it on their international channel. I believe this English trailer came from that broadcast. To the best of my knowledge, out of all the TV shows Chiaki has been in, this is the only one that was given official English subtitles. However, for some odd reason, it wasn't included on the DVD release of the show so even though an English subtitled version is known to exist, no one seems to have it. Actually, that's not completely true. The first episode (with English subtitles) was donated by NHK to the Japan Foundation. The Japan Foundation promotes "cultural exchange between Japan and other nations, with the aim of encouraging world peace and understanding." If you're an instructor teaching Japanese, you can get the first episode of the Sixth Sayoko free from the Japan Foundation.

Six CyberJapan Interview Clips (RealPlayer, various lengths) from CyberJapan.
Click on "Interview" at the center top to retrieve the interviews. Chiaki was the CyberJapan Millennium Covergirl. The interview seems to have been conducted in December 2000, the same month that Battle Royale entered theaters in Japan.

CyberJapan 2000 Bonus Interview (Multiple formats, 2:26 minutes) from CyberJapan.
It's a silly clip.

CyberJapan Summer 2001 Bonus Interview (Multiple formats, 4:43 minutes) from CyberJapan.
Chiaki sings, makes faces, and speaks French. Both amusing and silly.

Two January 2004 Interview Clips (RealPlayer, 8:05 minutes and 5:57 minutes) from CyberJapan.
Click on "Interview" at the center top to retrieve the interviews. CyberJapan must really like Chiaki as she's the only celebrity ever to be CyberJapan Covergirl twice.

Ju-On: The Grudge (Japanese) Trailer (RealPlayer, 1:37 minutes) from
This is the trailer for the third Ju-On film, sometimes referred to as Ju-On: The Grudge or the theatrical version. Chiaki is only in the first Ju-On film so she's not in the film that this particular trailer refers to. It looks like the American remake will draw mainly from the third Ju-On film, not from the first film that starred Chiaki. This is probably because the first and second Ju-On films were low-budget direct-to-videos (called V-Cinema in Japan). The third (theatrical) Ju-On might have a big budget and the widest distribution but most true horror fans prefer the first one. I'm not just biased because Chiaki is in the first one; the low-budget really contributed to a certain feel that money can't buy. Even though it's harder to find, watch the first Ju-On first and you'll see why it spawned three other Ju-On films. Since there's a lot of confusion as to which version is which, make sure you can recognize the different cover arts of the DVD. Click here for the cover art of the first Ju-On film with Chiaki Kuriyama. Click here for the cover art of the big-budget theatrical version of the Ju-On film.

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